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- Garden City
- Posted 2 years ago
A funny thing happened back in 2002. We were mistakenly delivered the wrong letters to the name of our restaurant. You see, Calagero’s was actually supposed to be named Calogero’s, after our Italian grandfather. Seems we were one “A” too many, and one “O” too few.
Pressed to open our doors to the public, it was agreed to move ahead, with the promise of fixing the glaring typo once we came across some free time. We quickly learned that the words “free” and “time” were as elusive as an open table on a Saturday night, and before we knew it, the misspelled version had become rooted in the community. As the restaurant grew in popularity, we too grew with trepidation when it came to changing something that had worked so well. Inevitably, we chose to do the smart thing – nothing.